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Pinus engelmannii
Carrière 1854
Common NamesApache pine, Arizona longleaf pine (2).Taxonomic notesSyn: Pinus latifolia Sargent 1889 (3); P. macrophylla Engelmann in Wislizenus 1848, non Lindley 1839; P.apacheca Lemmon 1894 (4); P. ponderosa var. macrophylla (Engelmann) Shaw 1909; P. mayriana Sudworth 1897; P. ponderosa var. mayriana (Sudworth) Sargent 1897; P. macrophylla var. blancoi Martínez 1944; P. engelmannii var. blancoi (Martínez) Martínez 1948 (1).Description"Trees to 35 m; trunk to 0.6 m diam., straight; crown irregularly rounded, rather thin. Bark dark brown, at maturity deeply furrowed, ridges becoming yellowish, of narrow, elongate, scaly plates. Branches straight to ascending; twigs stout (1-2 cm thick), pale gray-brown, aging darker brown, rough. Buds ovoid-conic, to 2 cm, resinous; scale margins pale fringed. Leaves 3(-5) per fascicle, spreading-ascending, often drooping, forming a brush at twig tips, persisting 2 years, (20-)25-45cm x 2 mm, dull green, all surfaces with fine stomatal lines, margins coarsely serrulate, apex conic-subulate; sheath 3-4 cm, base persistent. Pollen cones cylindric, ca. 25 mm, yellow to yellow-brown. Seed cones maturing in 2 years and shedding seeds soon thereafter, not persistent, terminal, sometimes curved, often asymmetric, lance-ovoid before opening, ovoid when open, 11-14 cm, light dull brown, nearly sessile or short-stalked; apophyses rhombic, somewhat to quite elongate, strongly raised toward outer cone base, sometimes curved, strongly cross-keeled, narrowed to thick, curved, broadly triangular-based umbo, this often producing outcurved claw. Seeds obovoid; body ca. 8-9 mm, dark brown; wing to 20mm. 2 n =24" (4)."In general appearance Pinus engelmannii much resembles P. palustris with its short-persistent, long leaves (but in this species drooping) and in its tendency to form a grass stage. It has a deep taproot as do P. palustris and P. ponderosa " (4). RangeUSA: SE Arizona & SW New Mexico; N Mexico at 1500-2500 m, in high and dry mountain ranges, valleys, and plateaus (2, 4). See also (5).Big TreeDiameter 99 cm, height 30 m, crown spread 9 m. Locality: Coronado National Forest, AZ ( American Forests 1996 ).OldestDendrochronologyEthnobotanyObservationsSeen in the northern Chiricahua and Santa Rita Mountains (Arizona), the latter in Madera Canyon.RemarksEcologically very similar to P. palustris : finely adapted to fire frequencies of <5 years.Citations(1) Farjon & Styles 1997 .(2) Elmore & Janish 1976 . (3) Peattie 1950 (as P.l. ). (4) Kral in Flora of North America online . (5) Robert S. Thompson, Katherine H. Anderson and Patrick J. Bartlein. 1999. Atlas of Relations Between Climatic Parameters and Distributions of Important Trees and Shrubs in North America. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1650 A&B. URL= http://greenwood.cr.usgs.gov/pub/ppapers/p1650-a/pages/conifers.html , accessed 22-Jan-2000. See also: Elias 1987 and FEIS database . |
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