footprint of the wooden rhino: depletion
of hardwoods for the carving trade in
by Anthony B. Cunningham
and development issues
depletion : the remains
of a muhuhu
(Brachylaena huillensis)
stump. © AB Cunningham |
Wood carving is a major
industry in Kenya, growing
significantly over recent
decades. The annual value of
exports has expanded from
£75,000 (at 1950's rates) to US
$20 million today. This
developmental success owes much
to the high carving and business
skills of the Akamba people, who
started and still dominate the
trade. The increasing demands of
the market, coupled to the fact
that many of the species used are
slow-growing hardwoods, has led
to depletion of some of the
favoured species. Surveys
conducted under a People and
Plants project have
documented this decline,
including for mpingo or
"ebony" (Dalbergia
melanoxylon) and muhugu
or "mahogany" (Brachylaena
huillensis). Some wood
carvers - aware of the problems
of supply - have sought
alternatives through cultivation
or by testing other types of
wood. |
Apart from
sustainability of the wood base, further
conservation issues are possible genetic
degradation of the species, as some
populations are decimated or destroyed,
and degradation of the coastal Kenyan
forests. The latter are internationally
recognised for their importance for
biodiversity conservation, having many
endemic species. They exist today only
precariously, as small isolated and
threatened remnants.
and development initiatives
For some years, the Mennonite Central
Committee has encouraged the industry as
a means of improving people's
livelihoods, through assistance with
marketing and quality control in
manufacture. The fate of the most
favoured carving species, mpingo
or Dalbergia melanoxylon has been
discussed in conservation circles for
some years. Apart from carving, it is
much in demand for the manufacture of
woodwind instruments, such as oboes and
clarinets, and fetches the highest price
per volume of any African timber. It was
proposed for listing in CITES in 1994,
but its nomination was withdrawn at the
last minute.
of ethnobotany
People and Plants initiated an
ethnobotanical project as a result of two
separate initiatives: (1) concerns
expressed by the Mennonite Central
Committee over decline of the resource
base; (2) identification of the extense
of the problem by Tony Cunningham (People
and Plants' Regional Coordinator) based
on his experience elsewhere in Africa.
From the start, efforts were made to
ensure the involvement of all major
stakeholders in Kenya, including the
carvers themselves, traders, concerned
NGOs, and conservation and forestry
organisations. This inclusive approach
was adopted to increase the reliability
of the results and raise the likelihood
that recommendations resulting from
analyses would be adopted. Apart from the
Mennonite Central Committee, the
organisations involved have included the
Kenya Carving Cooperative Union (KCCU),
the Kenya Forestry Research Organisation
(KEFRI), KENGO (a local NGO), the East
African Wildlife Society and the National
Museums of Kenya.
Wildlife Society and the National Museums
of Kenya.
Researcher Raymond Obunga acted as
local coordinator during Phase 1 of the
study, working with Richard Masila and
other members of the Kenya Crafts
Co-operative Union (KCCU) and Gordon Sigu
and other Kenya Forestry Research staff.
The intention was to gain a good overall
picture of the problem, through research
both on resource demand (social and
economic organisation of the industry;
discussions with carvers on species used
and the localities of extraction - now
and in the past) and the resource base
(studies of the volumes of wood available
for selected species, and their
regeneration - both at sites already
harvested and in, as yet, unharvested
areas). The second phase of the project
aimed, among other objectives, at finding
alternatives to over-harvested species
and promoting "good woods"
through a campaign. This was directed
both to carvers and buyers.
Simultaneously, more detailed studies of
the economics of the trade were
initiated, since it is thought that the
financial value of the hardwoods used has
been grossly underestimated - with
potential implications for the
development of forestry policy in Kenya.
A drama in Kikamba used
to transfer research results and
the message about resource
depletion. © AB Cunningham |
Results to date
An historical survey conducted with
long-serving woodcarvers has shed much
light on the origin and dynamics of the
trade. The entire industry was started by
one person, Mutisya Munge, who learned
his skills from the Makonde people while
serving with the British army in former
German East Africa (now Tanzania) during
the First World War. Settling back at his
home at Wamunyu - to the east of Nairobi
- in 1919, Mutisya Munge started to sell
his carvings and teach others about the
craft. Before long, Akamba carvers were
spreading out to new areas in search of
fresh markets in Kenya and beyond. Today,
60 000 woodcarvers are involved in what
is called a "carvers
co-operative" but in fact is a clan
and extended family based business
network. Key carving centres can be found
not only at Wamunyu itself, but also at
Nairobi, Mombassa, Malindi and near Mt
Kenya, selling mainly to tourists.
Additionally, carvers export directly to
the United States, Japan and Europe.
Altogether, about 50 species of tree
are exploited, many on minor scales in
comparison to the generally favoured mpingo
or Dalbergia melanoxylon and muhugu
or Brachylaena huillensis.
Initially, the developing carving
industry at Wamunyu was able to obtain
supplies close-by, but, as these become
exhausted, so frontiers of resource
depletion spread out from this; today,
logs for Wamunyu are obtained from sites
well over 100 km distant. Other carving
centres have become similarly dependent
on distant sources of supply, including
through imports fromTanzania.
touches to carved
giraffes at Akamba
Co-operative,Mombasa. ©
AB Cunningham |
Size-structures of
populations and features of
regeneration were determined for
four selected species in sample
plots established in harvested
and unharvested areas. Details of
sampling, such as the detailed
disposition of plots, was
discussed with local people to
benefit from their knowledge. The
number of plots selected per area
was dependent partly on the sizes
of stands. For example, at one
site, 40 randomly located 20 x 20
m plots were considered adequate
to gain a reasonable idea of the
population structure and impacts
of harvesting. Data collected
included diameter at breast
height (dbh) and density
-standard forestry measurements -
as well as some parameters not
traditionally noted by foresters,
such as basal diameter (to ensure
that comparisons could be made
between uncut and felled
individuals), height of cut,
methods of cut (e.g. axe,
chain-saw) and estimates of the
time of felling. |
Regeneration was
studied though counts of seedlings and
sprouts in 1 x 1 m plots. Cases of root
excavation were noted - the fact that
people could be bothered to embark on
such rigorous labour is an indication of
the great pressure placed on such highly
prized species as mpingo.
Information was collected on the rates of
growth of mpingo in trial plots
established by the Forest Department. Mpingo
and most of the other favoured species
are slow growing. There is some
small-scale cultivation by farmers, but,
even if these species are not planted in
substantial quantities, there is a need
for alternative sources of wood to meet
anticipated demands. Older carvers are
well aware that the continuing success of
the industry is under threat and have
tested many other species for their
carving qualities on their own
initiative. Data on growth rates of some
potential alternative species were
obtained from measurements of the size of
trees planted at Wamunyu, the dates of
establishment being determined from
Many muhugu trees are hollow -
for instance, no fewer than an estimated
9360 out of the 20,800 logs used per year
by woodcarvers at Mombassa and Malindi
according to a survey by Raymond Obunga
and Solomon Kyalo of the East African
Wild Life Society. Destruction of these
hollow trees poses a threat to
conservation of biodiversity in the
Kenyan coastal forests because of the
importance of tree hollows for animals.
Felling of hollow-trunked trees deprives
the rare Sokoke Scops owl of nesting
sites and destroys a habitat used by the
Golden-rumped elephant-shrew (4000 of
which lose their homes every year
according to the survey).
A key workshop with representatives of
all major stakeholders was held in
Nairobi in December 1997 to discuss the
results and recommend how the project
should develop. A major decision was to
promote the use of certain alternative
species - notably neem (Azadirachta
indica), Grevillea (Grevillea
robusta) and mango (Mangifera
indica). Supplies of these species -
all introduced to Africa - are believed
to be available in substantial
quantities. Their wood is of an
acceptable quality for carving. Neem - a
multipurpose tree favoured in
agroforestry - is invading the coastal
forests, endangering survival of endemic
species; promotion of its use could help
save the forests in more ways than one.
Promotion of "good woods"
has now become a major aim of the
project, using several methodologies. The
intention is to raise awareness among
carvers, buyers, and conservation and
development organisations. A poster has
been produced and widely distributed. The
message has been carried to the carvers
through drama, with a play written by
Vinette Mbaluluto and Fidelma Kyalo,
performed by carvers and their relatives
and which has toured the carving centres.
Apart from promoting alternative species
and tree planting, the play highlights
other ways in which carvers can help take
the pressure off the threatened species
and forests, including the use of
innovative designs to reduce waste. The
Mennonite Central Committee is
encouraging export of "good
woods", including through screening
a promotional video produced by People
and Plants in retail outlets in Canada
and the United States. Furthermore, it is
returning 3% of receipts from retail
sales abroad for the development of tree
nurseries in villages. "Green
corners" are being established at
some retail outlets in Kenya.
Additionally, a study has been carried
out by KEFRI to identify carving timbers,
both through macroscopic features as can
be seen on the surface and microscopic
anatomy - the results could be valuable
for checking the types of wood used for
carvings as the campaign develops.
The project will continue to promote a
shift towards "good woods"
-meaning, in practice, largely towards
trees grown on farms and away from wild
collection. The willingness of farmers to
become involved in tree planting is
likely to depend partly on the security
of their tenure over land-holdings - at
Wamunyu, land is currently being
registered to private farmers, which is
likely to increase their motivation to
take a longer-term perspective. There is
much potential for the involvement of
agroforestry institutions, such as the
International Centre for Research on
Agroforestry (ICRAF), which fortuitously
has its international headquarters in
Nairobi. The development of a
certification scheme for carvings is
being investigated.
and lessons learnt
1. There is no doubt that the Kenyan
woodcarving industry has been a
remarkable success in terms of local
enterprise and export development by the
Wakamba people - and a great contrast to
many crafts production programmes in
Africa where producers only get a small
portion of the profits. In this case, a
"vertical integration" of
different levels of marketing and
production has kept many benefits within
the carving community. One of the main
reasons for this are the close clan and
extended family links of the Wakamba
people who dominate this business, with
the attention they have paid to quality
control, prices and innovation. The long
term success of this business is
threatened by resource depletion - and
"resource mining" rather than
"resource management" has been
a feature of this industry.
2. From the outset, the project took
the view that answers to the
over-exploitation of woodcarving
resources could only be found (a) if time
and effort were spent understanding the
history and dynamics of the trade and the
impacts of key species used and (b) if
all interest groups were involved.
3. Considerable efforts have been made
to involve all the main stakeholders
throughout the project. This has proved
extremely helpful for gaining an
understanding of different perspectives
and establishing an agreed agenda for
research and action.
4. The recommendation to replace the
wild harvesting of slow growing species
with the cultivation of faster growing
alternatives is one likely to be relevant
to many similar cases of over-harvesting
wild plants.
The information used for this case
study is based partly on the unpublished
work of Raymond Obunga. Funding was made
available from the Department for
International Development (DFID, UK), the
National Lottery Charities Board (NLCB,
UK) and the World Wide Fund for Nature
(WWF UK). The research was carried out
with support from Nina Marshall of
Two videos are available:
- Saving the wooden rhino:
ethnobotanical methods and the
Kenya woodcarving industry.
Camera and Direction: Tony
Cunningham. Editing: Nick
Chevallier Productions. This is a
training video which describes
the methods used. 25 minutes.
- Carvers, conservation and
consumers. Camera and Direction:
Tony Cunningham. Editing: Nick
Chevallier Productions. This is a
promotional video, explaining the
reasons why "good
woods" should be encouraged.
11 minutes.
Both videos are available from the
following organisations, which can
provide details of terms and conditions:
WWF International Television and Film
Centre, P.O.Box 7, 3700 AA Zeist, The
Netherlands. Fax 31 30 6922484. email
Television Trust for the Environment.
TVE, Prince Albert Road, London
NW1 4RZ. Fax 44 171 586 4866. email